Sunday, December 30, 2007

Another dreary winter day.

It's still overcast but is forecast to be clearing later. Even so I'm going to make a nice beef stew with dumplings for our dinner. We need some comfort food as it's been rather hit or miss the last week.

Daughter Joy took me for a belated birthday dinner at the new Japanese restaurant. I'm sorry to say this one doesn't live up to the old one. It isn't bad but just doesn't have the same clarity of flavor as the old one. Mediocre is the best I can say for it. Guess it's back to cooking my own. Joy said, "Next time I want tempura, I'll make it myself." Actually the tempura was OK but the dipping sauce lacked punch. The miso soup was bland and boring and the pickles weren't pickles at all but more like a salad. Sushi rice wasn't flavorful either.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wintery day

It's a warmish day with rain. Temps are up to 4o degrees instead of 30 like yesterday and the little inch of snow is gone.
I just hibernate in the winter so don't know when I'll post again. Need something interesting to post. Or something I want to remember.
Neither of us has lost a bit and Joy is sick with with her IC and IBS and Fibromyalgia. Can't blame her for being cranky.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ho Hum

Everything is so slow around here and now I'm having an allergy attack. Took some Alkaselzer for allergies but it isn't helping much.

Weighed in this morning and am up 1 1/2 lbs. Bah! I hope it's the salt from the ham we had last evening. Think I'll make a skinny chicken dish of some kind tonight.

I'm so looking forward to going to Summer camp just so I won't have to cook.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My poor eye. While I was shopping Friday I noticed a black spot out of the corner of my eye, As I walked along I realised it was spreading and I knew what had happened because it happened once before.
I just walked away from the cart and went straight to the eye surgery. I was right as I had a tear in the retina that was bleeding into my eye. They eye Dr., Not my usual one, lasered the bleeding spot.
It's getting better but I still can't see clearly.

Getting old is not for Sissies.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

We're having a heat wave.

Man! It is so hot! Last time I looked at the temperature it was 105 degrees. 111 up in the center of town.
I let the dogs stay indoors when it's like this. I'm afraid Sissy might get a heat stroke lying in the sun the way she does.

The only thing we did to celebrate the fourth was have hot dogs and potato salad and drink a bit too much brandy. All I want to do is sleep but I just woke up.

Joy is making dinner so I get to loaf tonight.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday again

Not that Monday makes much difference than any other day. Just the same old stuff. We had Sour Cream Enchiladas for our dinner last night along with a salad.
I had to go to the store again yesterday. Seems like that's all I've been doing this week.
Ho Hum Don't even know why I'm writing since there's nothing much to say right now.

Stupid ass brother still hasn't acknowledged that he received the money I sent him. Probably pissed because that's all there was.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Well, here it is Friday again

There will be no 4th of July celebration for us since everything will be very crowded and noisy in the campgrounds. Traffic will be awful so we will just stay home as we usually do on holiday weekends.

Lily is off and on my lap waiting for her Mama to come home from the chiropractor. Every time she hears a noise she jumps down to investigate.

I went to Wal Mart for a few things and then the grocery store. Man! Food is getting soooo expensive. I had Wal Mart load the big bag of dog food but even so my back is hurting from carrying in groceries although Joy carried the heavy stuff.
Splurged and got myself two new men's T shirts. Much more comfortable than getting the girly ones that all have tight, scimpy sleeves. They're a lot cheaper, too.

I got some Red Snapper to cook for our dinner tonight. Wish Joy could eat tomatoes. I would make Snapper Vera Cruz. Oh well, I'll come up with something.
Still have to decide what to have with it. Cole slaw and petite peas?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday, trash day

I took the trash out to the road last evening and turned back to see a fox trotting across the driveway. It was a small grey fox. Not shy at all. It stopped in the field and watched me while I watched it.

Yesterday we went to Applebee's for lunch. Had the Apple Smoked Chicken. The chicken breast was very dryand can't say about the leg/thigh because we brought it home with us.
The Spinach salad with cranberries and feta cheese with a sweet mustard dressing was delicious and the garlic fries were good till we got to the bottom of the dish. There was a puddle of garlic butter in the bottom. Not very appetizing.

I placed one more block in the patio and cleaned up the loose trash but had to quit because my back is starting to hurt. Maybe I should check to see about Rolfing. I've tried everything else Maybe I can use the blower after a while if it doesn't get too hot.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Weary Wednesday

Nice cool morning, turning to very warm afternoon.I swept up most of the crud on the back patio and unloaded the top of the potting bench. When Joy wakes I'll use the blower to get more dirt and leaves gone. Need to wash off the top of the BBQ also. Just dusty.

We went up to Doc's Barbecue and had Burgers last night. They were really good with hand shaped patties and house made fries. Got thoroughly stuffed and still didn't eat all the fries.

When we got home Joy made Blondies with walnuts for dessert. I think I may not have chewed the nuts well enough. Feel a diverticular problem coming on so I took Metamucil.

Woke way too early for some reason.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I went to water my two tomato plants this morning and found that deer had got into the garden area and eaten the tops and all the buds off them. Grrrr! Hmmm? Venison is good.

I fixed frozen ravioli and Lite Alfredo sauce for dinner along with a salad of leaf lettuce, plum tomatoes, olives, pickled beets, garbonzos, cucumbers, and Gorgonzola cheese. Salad was the best part because the ravioli had been in the freezer a little too long.
Not sure what I'll make tonight yet. Maybe Lala kabobs. I have some lamb that I could grind. I love lamb. My favorite meat. I just wish it weren't so expensive.
I know it seems unpatriotic but I prefer Australian or New Zealand lamb. I think it's more tender and has better flavor.

Watching the news about the fire near Lake Tahoe. We spend the whole summer watching for fires. My sister and her husband lost their place six years ago.

Still haven't weighed this week.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Where Oh Where Do my Posts Go?

Trying once again

Monday, Monday

Checking to see if I can post.

Monday, Monday

Not expecting anything exciting today. Sam dog just climbed over tha gate and took off but he does that at least once a day. I just saw him out in the side yard but he didn't come when I called. Guess he needs to run some more. He doesn't stay long. Good thing we live in the country.

I made Kielbasa with cabbage and potatoes, seasoned with caraway seed. Not what I really wanted but it's something daughter Joy can eat. Fixed fresh green beans with it.

I had a bit too much wine last night but it's the first I've had in some time. Tasted really good, too. Doesn't help with the weight loss, though.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday morning, big dogs are fed and outside, Lily has been outside for her favorite game of "glove". That's trying to kill a pair of old leather gloves on the front lawn. Then she came in and wanted to play ball but I guess she wore herself out because now she's quietly lying at my feet.

I made a chicken sautee for dinner last night with caramelized onions, red bell peppers, mushrooms, garlic, capers, and sherry. Not bad but could have used some lemon juice. We had rice and broccoli with it.

Need to go get some dog food sometime today and plan something for dinner. Food is getting scarce in the house. Well, vegetables anyway. Still meat in the freezer and all kinds of beans, rice, and pasta in the pantry. We still have milk, butter, and eggs, too.

Haven't weighed yet this week. Doubt if I've lost any.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Well here it Saturday and I had planned to go to the Farmer's Market to see what they had that is good but it would all be picked over by now so will try to go next week. They usually have Chinese broccoli that I love.

I made stuffed bell peppers and sauteed zucchini last evening. Now I have to figure out what I want to make tonight. I have some chicken breasts in the freezer. Just don't know what to do with them.

Cable guys are coming this afternoon to reattach the cable to the kitchen TV. Should have let them do it last time they were here but didn't have a working TV in there. Got a new one for the living room and put the small one on top of the fridge. That was two years ago. Guess I just wasn't in a hurry.

Still lots needing to be done on both front and back patios but don't know how much I'll do today as it's hot already.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Well I'll try this again. Posted earlier and it disappeared. Have done a little bit outside this morning and played with Lily, the Yorkie. She is just too cute.

Daughter is still sick. On top of everything else, she had a migraine. She stayed in bed nearly all day yesterday.

I made salmon patties, buttered noodles and broccoli for our dinner last night. The patties tasted really good. I got the seasoning just right.

Think I'll make chicken salad for dinner tonight.

Well there's the post that I couldn't see earlier.????????

Another sunny morning

A sunny morning but it's still cool. As usual I have no hard and fast plans for the day but will play it as it lays. That's what the slow lane is all about I guess.

I made salmon patties last night and had buttered noodles and broccoli with them. I put some wasabi on my cakes. Very good.

I'm thinking of making some kind of salad for tonight. Right now I'm very hungry so I'll go see what looks good for breakfast.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's a nice cool morning here. I hope it doesn't get too hot this afternoon. I have an appointment with the orthopedist for my triggering thumb. He is a good Dr. but I almost always have a long wait. I will be seeing his Nurse Assitant and if she's the same one, she's a little faster than he is.
He repaired my right thumb in 1993 and it's still good.

Summer Solstice today. I went to the celebration last year but couldn't go this time. I'm glad I didn't because the wind was terrible. I don't do wind if it can be avoided.
Also my youngest grand daughter's 15th birthday. She's a pretty little thing but spoiled by a doting mother.

I weighed this morning and I'm down 1 1/2 lbs.
We had beef salad for dinner made with the previous night's BBQ tri-tip. It was so good. We put the last of the Bulgarian Feta in it.
Joy went to the store where she bought it and they didn't have anymore. I hope they get a new shipment as it was really good.
A fudgesicle was our dessert. Lot's better than Ben and Jerry's caloriewise.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Not off to a good start

I tried to go out and work on the back patio which is a disgraceful mess but my back isn't up to it yet. Haven't even made my bed yet. I finished putting the dishes into the dishwasher and started it.

Daughter has a craft project going and there is stuff strung all over the kitchen. This will be an on going situation so I guess I'd better get used to it. Wish we could put the sewing machine somewhere else.

Crisco, the Beagle flushed a quail family while he was trotting around the back yard. Cute babies all flew to Papa who had led them to a brush pile out in the field. High point of my day so far.

I made a Santa Maria tri-tip for dinner last night. We had mushrooms and a salad with it. Tough for a tri-tip.
Tonight we will have a beef salad with it.

2:13 PM. Well, I managed to get the kitchen floor mopped so I don't have to gag when I go into the kitchen. Four dogs don't make for a clean floor. I try to keep it clear from tracks but Crisco slobbers all over when he drinks and then they all step in it.Grrrr.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Why That Title

Why that title? Well, we live in the slow lane. I'm old and my dauighter is in poor health so fast just isn't on our books right now.

Of course we both love to eat even though her diet is very restricted. I'm the one who does most of the cooking and it's a challenge to make food that is appetizing within the parameters of her restrctions.

Losing weight has been ordered by her Dr. and I have a number of pounds that need to go. Unfortunately, due to more health factors, she can't exercise to help. We'll see how that part works out as we go along.

Monday, June 18, 2007

just testing

Couldn't find my morning post.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

This is my first time blogging

I guess I'll be a bit slow until I get it all sorted out.