Thursday, January 3, 2008

Shopping Day!

Well, today was the first time I have done a real shopping trip since before Christmas. We used the last of our CSA vegetables yesterday when I cooked the Brussels Sprouts. Organic vegetables are amazingly better. Next box won't be ready until next week so I bought green beans, crimini mushrooms and spinach, and also frozen peas and a package of pearl onions. That way I can mix them or not as I choose. I still have some carrots and zucchini from the store so we should be good till delivery day.

I bought a lamb shoulder that was already sliced. I don't know why they call that thing a roast because it makes a nasty excuse for a roast that gets protein clots between the slices when I cooked. I figured this one out when I was very, very young.
I will save out the best of the chops and cut the rest into stew. I haven't made a lamb stew in ages.

I also bought Orange Roughy, wild shrimp, lean ground beef, a pork loin roast, and a tri-tip roast. No farm raised fish. If I can't get wild, I do without. That's more than enough for over a weeks worth of protein.

If one bought more than $50 in groceries they were elegible for 10 lbs. of potatoes free. Maybe I could have taken 3 bags of potatoes. There were other things that I could have had free but I don't need bottled water or canned ham patties so I passed on them.

After buying all that stuff, I'm afraid that we're going to have beef and spinach ravioli with low-fat Alfredo sauce and garlic sauteed zucchini for tonight's dinner. Would love to have tomato-mushroom sauce but Joy is having am IC flare and can't have anything with tomatoes right now.

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